Thursday, 20 December 2007

Laura Milne

Who: Laura Milne, 19
When: Wednesday, 19/12/2007
Where: Union Street, Aberdeen
How: The Herald
Perp: Stuart Jack, 22 (charged); Debbie Buchan, 18 (charged); Leigh MacKinnon, 17 (charged)
Status: Charges

Press & Journal
BBC News
Aberdeen Evening Express
Daily Record
Grampian Police
Press & Journal
BBC News
Press & Journal


Anonymous said...

This is such a shame this girls life has come to an end.

I went to the same school as laura an i always seen her happy and speaking to people.

Its awful that you cant feel safe in your own home now adays.

My thought are with her family & friends

Rest in peace x

Anonymous said...

Yeah great shame, very friendly and kind lassie.

Anonymous said...

i went to school with laura i didnt know her but knew of her and i still can't get over this.

i can't understand why people do sick things like this to vunrable people like laura.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Laura Babie Loven u loads!

our memories wen u came down to visit are always with us!

me u gillian n stef dancin n signin wen we were little i can icture us doin it now funny times! but i just wanted to say u didnt deserve to die like that! i know now tht ur in a better place with my auntie pamela! :)we r missen u loads! Love Family From Ayrshire!! mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

miss you loads cuz xxxxxxxxxx