When: Friday, 24/8/2007
Where: Raynville Road, Bramley, Leeds
How: Yorkshire Evening Post
Perp: Roel Vastenhoud, 55 (dead)
Status: Inquiries
BBC News
Bedford Today
Yorkshire Evening Post
Yorkshire Evening Post
Bedford Today
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
Can I just ask why the fuck you are blogging people's deaths like a fucking shopping list? This is my cousin and you've just listed his death like it means nothing.
My intention with this blog is the exact opposite of what you suppose. If you have some suggestions for improvements please contact me via email.
Sorry for your loss.
So what is the purpose of this site then?
There will probably be over 700 homicides in the UK this year, most of which will disappear from the public consciousness within a few days.
This is my attempt to put names and, if possible, faces to the statistics so that they are not forgotten.
Suggestions on how to reduce any offence to the victims' families are welcome.
Perhaps if you explained the reason behind this site, on the site, you would have more interest and understanding. Looking at this from a laymans perspective, this instantly feels insulting to those who have lost a precious member of their familty. If you do want to make a difference, be more transparent as to your reasons, then you may make an impact, rather than just emotionally damaging those who have lost a loved one, like me.
Thank you. I've taken your advice.
Thank you for doing that. I'm sorry I took offence...
No, you were right. Without an explanation the site must have appeared glib and cynical and probably quite ghoulish. No excuse for that.
Once again, my condolences.
You people are sick. There is no meaning to this site. Its fucking wrong and should be shut down.
Do you have nothing else in your dreary life to do than muse over peoples loss's?
Is there anybody who knows who did it???
The family of Lewis know who did this. I think that this is enough, please let Lewis rest in peace now and cease this debate.
All that matters is his memory, his smile and his wonderful vibrant personality. Let us remember the good times, and forget the bad.
We cannot change the outcome,
We cannot change the past,
All we can do is pray for the soul,
Of our brother who has passed.
R.I.P. Lewis Tomlin
I still think that this website is wrong, but I agree, let's just leave it. I said I was sorry that I took offence, but I'm not. You say that you don't want people to be forgotten... well they won't be forgotten by the people who matter. Rest In Peace, Lewis, and God Bless x
I'm sorry that Roel vastenhoud is dead. He was a man with a troubled life
Troubled? He was more than troubled. He murdered my cousin, I'm certainly not sorry that Roel is dead.
i think that this website is ok but if lewis cousin would like you to drop it then you should remove him from it as i knew him and he was a good lad and his familys wishes should be respected
whats he doing going out with 55 year old man anyway
Lewis Mate I Knew You Very Well And You Are Very Great Mate You Was At School Always Up For A Laugh You Didnt Deserve To Go Like That Hope The Killer Rots Very Badly Because We All Miss You Very Much God Bless
This website is sick. This is my step-brother. I know people just want to say 'rest in peace' and whatever. But we know what happened and the whole world doesnt need to know. Just delete this please and let him rest in peace.
R.I.P Lewis, i love you bro<3
So sorry this happened to lewis. I'm roels daughters ex husband. She's as fucked up as he was.
Roxanne you don’t know me but he is my brother my father is lee Tomlin and I wish people didn’t do this
Troubled 🤣 he was a sick and deranged just like his wife and daughter.
Maybe you should look in the mirror
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