When: Saturday, 29/9/2007
Where: Bickley Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
How: BBC News
Perp: Tobias Davies, 20 (charged); Christopher Lewis, 22 (charged); Marvin James Anthony "Shotty" Walker, 21 (charged)
Status: Charges
Daily Mail
BBC News
Daily Mail
BBC News
Birmingham Mail
Express & Star
Express & Star
No suprises here! The lunt is a hell hole full of drug addicts, petty criminals and now cold blooded murderers.
Barry Greatrex, "The Hero" of the situation is nothing but a low life budding career criminal.
His father died in a horiffic high speed car crash in Bilston town. He was a well known crook, and many people in the Lunt area said good riddance when he died. His son has unfortunatly replaced him.
Why are gangs allowed to roam the streets in the lunt area, heads and faces covered. We dont live in the Antartic, so assume they are not explorers. Its simple they are the underbelly of our society with something to hide.
Come on people wake up. Antisocial behavior & petty crime leads to ever worse crime, even murder!
The authorities, police etc have a hand in this. Clamp down on these scumbags. Lock them up, make their lives intollerable, make them homeless and irradicate these gangs of thugs for good, before another youth is slaughtered on our streets.
I agree with the other comment left,if you are not being terrorized by these people.then half the time you dont know if it is safe to leave your home or walk the streets.The lunt has had major problems with thugs and thieves for a long time,now someone has died,where does it all end.
I am the auntie of Barry Greatrex and to the 2 anonymous if you're big enough to disrespect dead leave your name. How on earth can you slag him off when he obviously risked his life trying to save Shane. So please any further comments leave your name or see us in person, lets see how big your mouths are then!!!
It does not matter what what as happend in the past this is here and now, Well dun baz for ur efforts on saturday.and ignore the small minds of people, who i notice havent once mentioned the thugs that carried out this vile attack i would like to ask annon did u never make a mistake when u were a child, and please if ur going to let the world know anything give them facts not mixed up stories u have in ur mind now lets stick to whats important and people of the lunt stick together and get the bastards that dun this locked up where the belong.
fact! once they have the scum that done this to shane and others who, unlike shane were fortunate to get out of the water behind bars the better. atleast five fully grown men were fishing in that pool when this horrific scene unfolded did they jump in to help no! the didnt Barry did, and he tried to save his freind if that was the action of the underbellies of our society then WELL DONE!!!!
it seems Tara has a typical attitude you would expect from the family in question. her intimidating attitude, quote "any further comments leave your name or see us in person, lets see how big your mouths are then!!!" is typical of the thugs that run this area. Can you possibly imagine seeing her in person and having any sort of reasonable communication?
I also live on the Lunt estate. No one in their right mind would be so stupid to leave their ID and speak out about what happens around here.
I doubt we have heard the full facts of what happened on that afternoon. And I doubt we ever will, because the people involved will lie their way out of this. Their family`s will close ranks, with their usual missguided loyalties. There are plenty of idiots who know whats going on around here. The police know whats happening as well. But the thugs and crims are a law unto them selves.
I dont have a big mouth, but agree with the 2 early comments left.
I am fed up with my kids being terrorised by mindless idiots who live around here.
Why dont they get a job and try to live like decent people. Its because they dont have a clue how to, they have no decent role models, they have been dragged up not bought up, have little or no education, no respect and their only future is behind bars. Unfortunatly we have to put up with their antisocial behavior theiving and intimidation until they do something bad enough to get banged up for a good few years. The only good thing is its only a matter of time with most of them before it happens.
My advice would be, get a wash, get a job, get a life. Then the nice decent folk around here can live a normal life, not live in fear for themselves and their families.
I'm not trying to be intimidating here but how do you expect me to react when someone has disrespectsed my dead brother-in-law and it doesn't even relate to whats going on. I wrote the last piece in anger as you'd expect of anyone who's having their family run to the ground, especially as the deceased was someones son, father, brother and uncle. I hope you never have to go through pain of losing someone so tragically and then for someone to disrespect their memory years on.
Getting back to the point here a young boy has been killed in away that isn't suitable for a dog. There is no mention from the anonymous on this lads killers at all, all they seem to be doing is abusing a young boy that tried to help and risked his own life by doing so. Yes Barry is no angel but he proved his human worth by jumping in the pool to try and save Shane. The Lunt isn't a hell hole and if this is the way you feel why do you choose to live here, the Lunt has more community spririt than most places and everyone who lives on the estate should know this.
My sympathy goes out to Shane and his family and I hope they see justice done.
who ever wrote tha comment about baz is a low life them selves an a wanka cuz they ay got the balls 2 leave there name an wen i find out who wrote it ile show them anti social the lunt will be saying good riddance 2 you so if u av the bottle leave your name you underbelly of our society!!!!
2 THE ANONYMOUS!! lil Barry Greatrex did nothing else but try 2 save Shane Owoo (which is more than wat any other person there Did!!) As 4 bringing up the fact of Barrys Death is unforgiveable as no 1 is perfect not even Shane.. Ye Barry & otha youths on the estate might not b angels but they would never think of doing anything like this 2 nobody!! As 4 the Lunt estate being full of cold blooded killers..facts show that the men charged & wateva r NOT frm the Lunt estate. if MR ANONYMOUS was from the area they would knw that the lunt estate is full of people who will look out for one another & try help eachother in anyway possible. Robbers & Bullies have recently come onto the estate from other areas,i knw as i have recently been a victim of street robbery & i knw people of bilston has tryed 2 help in catching them. As for gangs roaming streets you will get those gangs on every estate you will come across. i knew Shane & live on the Lunt estate & know that every1 has been affected 1 way or another, how dare people come on to this estate & start bullying others & do something like this. If u ask me_those who write comments like MR ANONYMOUS are as bad 4 running down the dead & posting things whilst clearly not knwing the facts !!!! MELISSA OV LUNT
well annoymous "the family in question" as you put it i am part of,and i have not been dragged up,i am not scum,and i wash everyday thanks,you call my family lowlife,yet we are not the ones goin about disrespecting the dead,we are not killing young boys,it was a member of my family who tried to help the boy who lost his life,so i suggest u get all your facts correct,and stop disrespecting people,at the end of the day a yong boy as lost his life,so instead of disrespecting and bad mouthing my family spare a thought for the young boys parents
Shane was no angel but he never deserved this he was like any other lad his age he would always speak to u when he saw u and help u if u needed it as for bringing up barry's dad what has that to do with shane nobody's perfect u no
ow can u big bring up barrys death u shuld be ashamed ov ya selves at the end ov da day no 1 on lunt it perfect but evry1 looks out 4 each other and the poeple who killed shane wore even frm lunt so be4 u go round bad mouthing ppl get the facts rite first u fukin dikeds
some sick cunts about nothing up with the greatrex family or the lunt
baz keep head up high you tried your best mate
whats up with the lunt it ant as bad as it used to be and for slaging people of is sad man respect to all the lunt boys
fuk all matter wiv lunt
i wlnt change it 4 fukin shit
n baz fuk wat any 1 says at least u try 2 save shane
big up all lunters
well i can say dat lunt is full of drugies an murders but 1 person u shuld respect an dat is greatrex he is a hero in my eyes he put his life at risk to save shane an he didnt sucssed but he tried an no 1 shuld forget dat baz keep ur head held high m8 i no we never get on but i wuld shake ur hand for wat u tried 2 do an any 1 who got a problem with baz then say it to his fuckin face because i didnt see any one else trying to save shane well doh slag him off if u culdnt do it your self
i ay bein funny or anythin but at the end of the day if u dow like livin round the lunt then move house its up to ppl who they wanna be so stop runnin dow ppl if u ay big enought to say it to there face x
cum on ppl baz did his best 2 save shane an i rate him 4 tha but no nead with tha fight talk reli every1 shud just b fankin baz 4 tryin like deb said there wer outher ppl there twice the size ov baz but not 1 ov them tryed 2 help atleast baz did an well done 4 tryin well thats wa i fink an i bet deb an tara agre with me ow and i dow no barrt but there wor no nead runnin him down like tha especialy wen he as sadfuly died
y the fuk u gettin barry greatrex involved 4 he has got fuk all to do wiv shane owoo u am just a pussy really mr anonymous next time leave ya fukin name u prik well done little baz for tryin to save shanes life u did good and dow let anyone tell u u neva cuz if they do they am just nob eds cuz u day see them tryin to help did ya
All I av got 2 say is to mr anonymous-do u even no barry greatrex and his family? coz im sure that if they new who u r ud be in deep shit. The people who did this to Shane should be the ones you are bad mouthin not baz. They are the ones that did this to shane and why are you bad mouthing lunt if you live on there? So to mr anonymous i suggest you get your facts right move house and toughen your kids up if they are being terrorized!!!
baz rocket mans here fuck um all anonymous cants
rocketron says baz look up not down respect
god bless mate
Shane i day no u but ma mates n family did n its horrible what they did. Like Tara said a young boy has been killed in a way that isnt suitable for a dog. Whoever did this should be punished. R.I.P Shane x x x x
shane i did no ya a lil bit from pirmary school and u shudt off went the way u did baz did his best to save shane R.I.P SHANE XXXXXXX
i used to live on the lunt and just over 1 year ago my sister was murdered in bilston. whatever background you come from good or bad no-one deserves to die like their lives have ment nothing the past is the past and ppl shudnt bring it up EVER to whoever tried to save shane owoo well done for you bravery and to whoever brings up the past IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO SHANE SO PLEASE LEAVE YOU HURTFUL COMMENTS OFF THIS SITE YOU NOT ONLY UPSET BARRY GREATREX FAMILY BUT THE FAMILY OF SHANE ASWELL WHEN ALL THEY WANT AT THIS MOMENT IS JUSTICE RIP SHANE AND MY CONDOLENCES TO HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS I KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR HURTING GOD BLESS YOU ALL XX
we didnt no shane but its sad wot has happend to him.my family has sympothy for the family of shane.BIG UP BARRY!!!!!
im not from the lunt but i wouldnt say its that bad there horrible things happen everywhere. of course every one is deveatated about what happend to shane. so no one should be coming onto this site to slag pple off it should be 2pay your respects to shane and his family get your priority's right here. barry was brill and an angel for what e did that day, lets stick 2getha and hope the pathetic fucks that done this to shane suffer like they deserve to.
i new shane and he was a good lad, allways smiling never cheeky my daughter and him got on great he allways had a hug for us and when ever we was up set he comforted use no one theres to much going on in the world for every one to keep argueing with each other i think shanes friend was very brave jumping in to try and help well do bab my heat oes out to his fam and hope the people how did this get what they deserve once again at least you tryed to help bab hold ur head up high x
dnt worry shane theyve now got tht final piece of utter shit tht did this 2 u, marvin aka shotty is sposed 2 b some big man yh ryt jus a big fukin nobhead tht picks on his youngers cz he cnt face up 2 ppl his own age jus lyk christopher lewis and whoever has posted tht blog on myspace sayin free chrissy lewis u shud b fukin shot how disrespectful y shud he b freed jus cz u think he is some big timer what if it ws ur family tht they did this 2 so i hope u read this n it makes u think. and 2 the anonymous u speak so affluent and well for smebody who knows so much about the lunt, were u there 2 see what barry did 2 help shane? no or if u were i suggest u go to the police as a witness bt obv u werent there ur jus as bad as those tht did it, another stupid man tryin to b a big timer. obviously frm what u kno u come frm the lunt so y try and give it the big un lyk ur some posh thing, remember ur roots and remember this aint about barry and what he did which ws obviously try and help his friend its ABOUT SHANE AND GETTIN JUSTICE FOR HIM ok
Listen mr fukkin anonymous i no baz n i no tht he did his fukkin best to try n save shane go go fuk your mom you dirty fukin cunt. Wen ppl find out hu u r they will fukin lamp you you tossa. Ow yh ya momz a sket.
i hope that shottie,tobias and chris lewis rots in fucking hell for what they done to shane who gave them the right to take sum ones life.they think they are hard and gangsta when all they really are am cold hearted killers and pricks.lets hope justice is served proper without the manslaughter charges
tabius chrissy n shotty fink they am all bad n everyfink but they ay coz wen tabius was in court or wateva he was cryin like lil fukin baybee 4 his mom. aww tabius how sad u fukin nob ed.
this is probably the last thing a mate can expect to do firstly the shane i knew would probs laugh at all these peeps arguin about the area he grew up in and thats the person i knew from green acres upwards no matter what trouble in school or out he got himself into he always came out ov it with a smile on his face and thats y he woz such a good friend you could argue with him 1 day and the next ur best mates again because he was a good person to be around and one person i'll never forget i was away when i heard the news and i was devastated to know im never gonna see that cheeky smile out and about and well i'll never be able to say goodbye to you because i know in my heart ur somewere else causing someone mischief even if its not wiv us you'll always be remembered and never forgot r.i.p shane
none of you 'anonymous' even mention the main fact abt this story..a young lad got killed by scum bag kids an u havnt even got the respect to realise that because the name greatrex was said...all you can do is slag him off...put yourself in lil baz' position...would you of jumped in??? NO...would you bollocks, your a bunch of fuckin hypocrites!!!!
excuse me anonymous but i have lived in the lunt for 12 yrs and i dont do drugs im not a petty thief and not a murderer so please dont put ppl in a catorgery i new shane for yrs and i no he got on with barry greatrex 4 yrs and it doesnt matter if his dad was a bad un no one deserves to die have fuckin respect
excuse me anonymous but i have lived in the lunt for 12 yrs and i dont do drugs im not a petty thief and not a murderer so please dont put ppl in a catorgery i new shane for yrs and i no he got on with barry greatrex 4 yrs and it doesnt matter if his dad was a bad un no one deserves to die have fuckin respect
first id like 2 say well done baz u did ur best noone can ask for more, for those slagging off baz and the lunt , screw you, i lived on the lunt for 15 years never had a problem i knew shane personally i was close to his 3 eldest sisters growing up and my brother hung out with shane, i also new barrys father although he may have done wrong dosnt make him a bad person,the people leaving comments on here about baz are sick slagging off the ONLY person to try and save shane, shame on you for disrespecting both shanes and barrys memorys (oh and by the was 15years on the lunt and guess what im clean have a job and my own house so obviously not that bad there is it) hold ur head high baz ....rip shane
pplz keep chatin barry wen he was the only one that risk his own life to save shane there was how many people there and only one try 2 save shane people need to recognize that . anomnymous people make me laugh wen they say we are thugs because not all youngz are thugz if u gave us the time and day before u judge us maybe u see that we aint thugz dnt get me rong people that have done wat they done to shane are thugz but dnt blame every kid with a hoddie on that stand on road a thug because we aint all thugz . but i do understand were ur come frm wen u say gang because i have them on my estate to and it aint nice when u have walk past them .i be to lunt and seen the kids on the lunt there like any other boyz on road . R.I.P MY BABY SHANE ur never walk alone .. barry hold it dwn x
yo blud fuk shotty and them 2 pussy holes i gt them merked in jail and manz need 2 stop chattin shit on ear shane is my cuz u nobz and baz is a bag head and his dad was the wankers and glad he is locked up now gettin bitched about cuz i am goin in soon hahahah
R.I.P shane you'll never be forgotten by anybody on the lunt estate youll always be remembered by everyone. what them scum did 2 u was horrible i hope they get wat they deserve after what they did 2 u. ill never forget all the good times we had i miss you so much darlin wish u cud still b here with us R.I.P shane miss you so much xxxxxxxxx
look yeh the lunt a that bad but it is were ppl live so respect it and look leave barry out ov this he had nuffin to do wiv tha mur der he tried to save his freinds life. look i was shanes freind yh but he didn't deserve it ok so uno stop all this bullshitin and shut the fuk up will ya u all actin like kids will ya he gone and nuffin can bring him bk ok i miss him yh but he is gne a nuffin can change it so shut the fuk up wil yaz
linsten 2 you ANONYMOUS why u got bring baz father in to it for fuck sake leave him out of it . yh baz mite be a lil shit at timez but he was da only one that jumop in tryin 2 save shane so 2 me he is a hero dnt judge him because of his dad . there was lots of people there that day and one boi jump in risking his own life . do u have any clue of wat that poor boi mite be goin though with flash back and shit so give him a break ... SHANE MY BABY UR DEEPLY MISSED ur never walk alone XxX LAURA 2K8 BEST FRND X
Anonymos Man Wtf You Goin On Wif Bazza Dun His Best To Save Shane Did You. ? Oh Nah You Day So Before You Start Sayin Stuff Bout Him Fink First !
Wtf Annoymouse How the fuk can u disrespect somone liek that man es dead n um sayiin all this at the end ov the fxckiin daii no1 deserve to die liek that n who evahh fukiin did it am just likkle priks who deserve to get fxckiin shot n they will get wot fukiin cummiin to um !!! Barry did his fxckiin best to try n save iim n i dayy see no1 else jumpiin after him in my eyes barry is a hero i bet u wudnt do that for your mate !! Shane was a just a normal chap who just did not dersver that at all ovahh a fckiin bike they am just selfiish little bastards who av recked his famiilys life they shud fukiin rot in bastard hell !! Barryy shud keep his head up at leats he tried !! Shane will alwaiiz be missed and all i can saii to the chaps that did it is they am all a load ov fukiin tossers i would love to fukiin smash them till they was dead !! Shane shud b alive now but becuz ov some stupiid likkle boiiz who think they am bad he aiint !! And to ny1 who can come here disrespectiin him u wannah fukiin get a life n by the waii the lunt ay a bad place at least they fukiin stik up for eachoovvahhh !! Rip Shane &+ Baryy keep urt head Up Maytee .. x
who the fuck am these anonymous people if i find out ull b dead nxt dnt rip in2 lunt manz u pussy n as 4 bringin big bazza up gt me mad put ya name on here n we will show u scum bag wen we leave u fucked up on the floor did u evan no big bazza who the fuc wud say gud riddens u get me mad u prick i wish i new who u was if little bazza sin this he wud flip lunt ay scum u lot am whoeva u r so big up all the lunt manz n fuc u this is sie ov lunt if u no me cm n tell me u wrote this u prick
who the fuc am these anominous peeps u nw if u get found out um fucked hw the fuc cn u bring big bazza up u prick bet u day evan nw him who the fuc wud say gud riddens no1 off lunt if little bazza see's this he will flip i beg u tell me who this is i wana fuc u up u pricks dnt run lunt dwn u faggot were u frm if u nw little bazza yea hes a shit but hes safe as fuc i rate him 2 the max so big up all the lunt manz sie nick baz lee jacko decka andy gaz alf gc matty head n 2 all lunt gals sarah stace kellyc kellieh alice big up every1 else aswell on lunt safe sie ov lunt
Well.. i partly agree with the first anonymous post. The heart of the Lunt is renound to be one of the worst places around. Although Lunt residents may be used to living in the estate, and may feel safe and comforted having people living around them that they trust, many people dont even feel safe walking in/through the Lunt estate from elswhere. My bus route once ran through the Lunt, and during nearly every journey i'd have been stared at through bus windows (as if they inevitably wanted trouble to brew), and minorly intimidated. Now if thats a respectable band of estate members, what the hell is? I knew Shane, that boy was sound, and didnt remotley deserve what happened that day. Case closed for that topic of relevance. But while it can be said, i find young Baz a menace to society, a thief, a trouble maker and a developing thug. Why can you people not see this? I find it very hard to believe that little Baz jumped in to save Shane on the day of the attack. The Baz that i know of would gladly rake in the attention and glory his way, only to raise his low reputation confirmed by the percentage of people who live on the Lunt estate. Hes no hero, not the boy i know of roaming around Bilston stoned out of his head swearing and causing a fiasco left right and centre (who of which will soon take over his poor role model father). And after reading most of the illiterate and predictable posts supporting Baz's thug career on this blog, its safe to say hes completely irrelivant to the Shane Owoo case and tried to morph the story to imply that hes a respectable boy and nearly saved Shane. Not all of the Lunt classes as the badlands, but most the community that live in the heart of it are not united, respectable or even mature. I know not much of the Greatrex family, but i know Barry is a hooigan in the making, and even if he did try to save Shane, his life as a vandal and trouble maker is sure to be back on track. He mirrors the life and soul of his very father. I appreciate the fact that members of the Greatrex family are defending abuse on behalf of their relatives, but if they cant agree with some of the negative things said about them, they cannot see simple reality and quite obviously didnt know Barry.Senior and still dont know Barry.Junior as most of the community do. Some of the acts these two sinful beings have committed are truely unforgivable, fact, and the path of young Baz's fate lies purely on how serious and realistic he wants to live his life. Thankfully i moved to Worcester a few weeks back, i'll be glad to never look at the ugly cunts that linger on Lunt Road (stressing for trouble to come their way) again. They're one day sure to meet the same fate at Baz.G senior did that heavenly day a few years back. These scumbag's will have children, and their children will have children, and the thug community will live on and one day reign over bilston and ruin the little name it already has. Thanks for reading, i hope you all learnt a lesson reading this post! Now.. back to watching Top Gear, lol!
Yours Faithfully
u no wat man u all chat shit yh lunt ay no shit hole at da fukin end ov da day we all stick up 4 1 n otha on lunt n u no wat baz ya dad wld be proud ov ya so fuk wat anyonez fink n u am all goin on bout murdereds on da lunt at the end ov day day get da facts the people who murdered shane ay even off lunt so fuk u big up lunt 08!!!!
well move out.what gives you the right to drag peoples names through the mud.big baz wasnt no saint we all no that but he was a good lad and DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE .i know tara an andy an they are decent people i dont blame tara for reacting the way she did cause if you would have that about a member of my family id wana rip ya head off aswel.shane did not desrve that either but it wasnt the greatrexs who killed him remember that.
you joker .ya know what pack ya stuff an go then.little baz as never done no harm to me and as for big baz he was safe .yeah ok no ones perfect but i know tara an she had every right to say what she did cause big baz aint the one we are writing about .but narrow minded knob heads like you who think your better than everyone else wouldnt understand that.next time you are about to type something just remember the people whos feelings you will hurt by your comments.i live in boswell rd an have done for the last 12 yrs an i could honestly say i get on with everyone.rip shane top kid x
you joker .ya know what pack ya stuff an go then.little baz as never done no harm to me and as for big baz he was safe .yeah ok no ones perfect but i know tara an she had every right to say what she did cause big baz aint the one we are writing about .but narrow minded knob heads like you who think your better than everyone else wouldnt understand that.next time you are about to type something just remember the people whos feelings you will hurt by your comments.i live in boswell rd an have done for the last 12 yrs an i could honestly say i get on with everyone.rip shane top kid x
shane you will be sadly missed and anoumous no 1 baz did his best well done least some one tried
shane Rest In Peace cuz r pearl is always talkin bawt yh , no 1 listen to tha anonymous they avnt gta clue what their on abawt ,, r.i.p shane see yh up der mate xoxoxo
To the poor person who left the comment about the deceased's father. What sort of person are you? To the others who reacted with anger and hatred, what sort of people are you? If you knew who made the comment you would have probably assualted them, therefore you are no better than the young men who are now in prison for this awful crime. You are all so blind to your way of living that you cannot find fault in your own actions and statements. I believe that God is the only one that can judge. I believe that he is looking after Shane right now and for those that loved him i think that you will see again one day. Please go about your lives peacefully in all that you do and treat people how you wish to treat them. To Shanes parents I wish you a good Christmas. It will probably be horrendous for you as losing a child is one of the most terrible things any parent can go through. To all those angry, bitter, foul mouthed people out there think about your actions and thoughts as we start another New Year.
How many spelling mistakes can one page have?
Dole scum...
Well i've known shane since we were in primary school and i've always remembered him as someone who likes to make every1 laugh and smile he was such a joker lol:) i think it was a gr8 thing that bazza tried 2 do i mean hw cumz he woz the only 1 who woz brave enuff 2 try and save shane when there were otha pplz around!?...
Does anyone know which prison those two are in?
R.I.P Shane.
Who evers talking rubbish about peoples family members is out of order. No ones perfect,we all do our best.. its not always easy living around here, but theres places that are alot worse to live. Hope the people who did this terrible crime are getting their just desserts in prison TWATS!
This is baay greatrexs cousion and you know best to post your comment under Anonymous, hes been through alot more than most people and hes still standing pround, and most people dpwn lunt repect him for that, so that shows how much you know, and his father was a good man and "and many people in the Lunt area said good riddance when he died" hahaha biggest pill of shit ive heard (:
i dow really no wat to say my fams seid it all for me lool but who ever u are mr anonymous i wud watch ya bak bcuz if any one ever finds out who u really are u wud sure no bout it and my brother (barry greatrex) is styl standin proud after all this shit u gotta say ,, and i see how u say every think bout my dad now hes gone but i day see u tring to say it to his face wen hr was alive umm thts wa i thort u fukin diked any way R.I.P dad miss u allways xxx
OMG i have neva seen this page before an i am disgusted wot i have just read , yes i am a greatrex but that is irrelevant , lil baz lost is dad ,few years earlier lost is grandad , he deserves to go of rails for bit he will learn from is mistakes an in the end will become a real man like is dad an grandad was , show sum fuckin respect u pathetic bunch of wankers
well said marie ppl hear greatrex an they automatically think the worse, yeh im not a greatrex but im dam proud to be related to u all. Hold ur head up baz an take no notice u done something that nobody else had the balls to do, love ya all xxx
an one more thing we are all abt family u slag one of us of u slag us all off, u upset one of us u upset us all, not just hide an hope someone else stands up for ya
the lunt aint as bad as what some ppl are makin it out to be, i have great mates on lunt road, if you dont like the lunt then dont pass through it... barry is known to have done a good thing !
barry day help shane get ur facts right duppy ppl i shpuld kno ask kmo .............. u eva stop chattin shit ill u can go n suck ur mom back front and side ways
i kno ppl mite fink tha i am duppy but ovbz barry didnt save shane n i can even take u to him n make him tell the truth............. every one in shanes familey misses him to much n we wish they didnt take him away from us only at th e age of 16 .........
but u i hope tha all those ppl that killed him will die soon cuz what they didnt wasnt right n they r cunt for it ..............
you will never be missed
love from M.DOT
m.dot ow about go suk ya mom u lil faggot
m.dot ow about go suk ya mom u lil faggot
m.dot ur goin on barry barry wore the 1 that killed shane shotty and chrissy did n there the 1s walkin rnd lunt laughin at shanes death it ay bothered them so be4 ur goin on bout barry think out bout that u daft cunt
have people forgot wat this page was for it wore to slag of barry or his family or lunt it was to rember shane and to name the cunts that killed him i fink its disguting wat has beenwrote about barry and his family hows about when his little girl gets older and ever types in her dad name and has to read this and read what was wrote about her grandad that she nevr got to meet mr anonyoms should b ashamed of ur self and to slag the lunt of its not a bad place and how am people on lunt murders like mel ov lunt sed they was from st chads and shotty chrissy and tobias heard about karma it will be cummin for you 3 i cant even imagin the pain shanes family felt and still feel 4 years on i woldnt wish it on any one linda is 1 strong woman and the only comforte she got is to no that she nos shanes wiv his dad jim now ill always rember shanes cheeky little smile he will defo never be forgotten r.i.p shane owoo
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shane was a good lad i should know i was related to him and those ladz who done it aint gonna get away with what they have done because they will get thier day when they dont even know there is loads off people after them ..
so who ever wants to slag shane off ragz go and suck your dirty fucking moms because shane shouldnt of died that Day so say what you have to say about him and watch What i do i will find out who you am and ill come n blow off you fucking heads
I think people need to stop arguin.I no my brother could be a little shit sumtimes but he day deserve wat happened we miss shane every single day and 1 day we will be with him agen untill then bro behave ya self up there kidda love ya loads Nat n the boys
My Name Is frank Owoo junior from London those boy's will pay I'm elder in shanes eyes Owoo's don't forget or forgive easily rip Shane you bare my great great grandfather name Nii Owoo family
just be patient
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R.I.P Shane you was a great kid and never deserved to be killed by low life scum, barry did NOT try to save him he probably pushed him further under, and as for barry snr good riddance to bad rubbish he was nothing but scum and robbed respectable peoples homes and got away with it,he was a nasty person who was definately dragged up just like his brother andy and sister debbie, and as for you tara you have a big mouth and need to shut it, barry jnr will end up like his uncles a bad low life scum. I have lived on lunt for years and all they ever did was terrorize innocent people and they are not a nice family any of them
Fuk u fuk Shane fuk u all
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