When: Sunday, 9/9/2007
Where: Cromwell Road, Poole
How: Thisisdorset
Perp: Darrell Bacon, 40 (convicted, life sentence, 13 years minimum)
Status: Conviction
BBC News
Reading Evening Post
Bournemouth Echo
BBC News
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
its been 5 looong years without you mum. we all miss you sooo much. David and jenny have 2 lil girls, chris and vicky has 1 lil girl and me well you know about one lil girl, but i had a lil boy and another lil girl. they would all love you. i just wish you came back to us, daz can rot in hell.
its such a shame You didn't want him to rot in hell shortly after he murdered your mum !! when you was trying to sell the story to the paper's, but leaving out what pain and upset you had caused her , the spiteful and vindictive way you treated your poor mum. Yet you made out you was so deprived when that fateful day took place ! All you have ever cared about is your self and no body else. You didn't care about your mum or how she felt . May be you feel the guilt now for not wanting your mum around when she was with us, now you can't have her and your family wont say , but mum's from the school know how ashamed your mum was of you !! May you be at peace Tracey . You are so truley missed x
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