When: Friday, 26/10/2007
Where: Norway Road, Portsmouth
How: BBC News
Perp: Terry Sewell, 19 (charged); Darren Abrams, 20 (dead)
Status: Charges
Portsmouth Today
Portsmouth Today
BBC News
Hampshire Constabulary
Portsmouth Today
Rye & Battle Observer
BBC News
what the fuck is the point of this website everybody is fully aware when somebody gets murdered Jed was my m8 u sick cunt i should fukin kill you
wtf u weird lil prick everyone knows e dead y write a site on it u fkin gimpp jed was our mate !!!
I'm sorry about Jed, as is everyone but this makes it seem like Darren & Terry did it on purpose.. they didn't. you don't know anything about them or this and you've just made it seem like thats all they were, murders, when its not true. Darren killed himself over this. What is the point in this website? People that matter know about it and thats all that matters.
This is sadistic.
Jed lives 2 roads away from me my friends knew him also i know his girlfriend : \
At the end of the day, they attacked steve & jed unprovoked, with bottles which surely means they intended to do some serious damage. Jed was a good mate of mine and i know he wouldnt have caused a fight, so surely they commited the crime so they should be on the website
RIP jed mate
The attack was NOT unprovoked.
Darren was a good friend of mine and wouldn't have bothered doing anything if he hadn't needed to stick up for himself, he was stronger than a lot of people and wasn't the type of guy to hurt someone unprovoked. I only met Tezza once and will not say anything about him cos i didnt know him.
I do not see the point of this website, 2 people lost their lives here, and there is debating between the friends of both sides, why can people not just leave it to the shitty justice system to sort this out and leave Darren and Jed's loved ones in peace. Everyone has different views on this, i have lots of views but im not going to go into them because its unneeded, nobody needs to hear it anymore so why make a stupid fucking website on it? Whoever made it has offended both Jed's and Darren's friends, what was the point?
Reading some of these comments disgust me.
RIP. My heart goes out to the family. You're all in my duas.
You're all full of crap, years later I come across this site. Jed was my friend as was terry and darren.
None of which was innocent, both parties were probably edging each other on. I agree it shouldn't have got to stage it did yet it did but Jed wasn as innocent as Darren and trust me that wasn't much.
the murder wasn't on purpose, no. But to be so biased is bullshit. You all need to pull your head out your arse. Both parties in this are not innocent.
How can you say both parties were not innocent, that's disgusting, Darren and terry killed jed so how can they be innocent? They are sick, mental people and should both rot in hell, the pain they caused for mindless behaviour and stupidly in classing jed as something he wasn't, killing him because of the clothes he was wearing not knowing anythig about him or how great he was and cared about by so many people! Terry is in prison for life for all the right reasons, he will never pay enough for what he did to my family!!!!!
Darren Abrams was little more than a paedophile who lied about his age to get a niave young boy in bed. Wrongun!!
To kill a chav is not murder; it is the pathway to paradise.
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