When: Tuesday, 2/10/2007
Where: Jephson Court, Studley Road, Lambeth
How: The Sun
Perp: Ngosi Edwards, 18 (charged); Mr X, 17 (charged); Mr Y (arrested)
Status: Charges
Wimbledon Guardian
Wimbledon Guardian
BBC News
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
There will probably be over 700 murders in the UK this year. This is my attempt to put names and faces to those statistics so that they are not forgotten. No offence is intended to the family or friends of the victims.
I knew Robel... i think its crazy and it can't be explained! Its so sad to hear someone you know has been shot dead! And had their life taken, infact stolen from them at such as young age! Not to mention what his family and friends are going through! And his mother of all people... RIP 'Justice for Robel' and all victims of gun crime!
Robel, we'll find out who did this & they won't know what hit them. I feel your mums pain. R.I.P G. God bless.
I never knew robel but reading about your death had brought tears and sadness to my heart simply because you are young, had a dream and you do not deserve to die.. its sadden me even more that its people from my own ethinc group ( african )who are losing their lives for the smallest and stupid reasons. May the almighty help you rest in peace and helps your family find comfort.
R.I.P Little Robel, you are my brother's age and your story has touched me in so many ways. I did not know you personally but you was liked by my brother & others. Your life will not go in vain, justice will be served. May God give your family & friends the strengh to stay strong. GunCrime has to STOP, our kids mentality has to CHANGE!!!!
you know the only way i can explain this is that this is hell and god wouldn't allow an angel to live it in it any longer. because anyone that knew rob could tell you he was a true angel. in all my life i've known him, i've never seen him fight or beef anyone. he was a positive guy and didn't have an evil bone in his body, i miss you bro, you'll never be forgotten.
My little brother, our son, our cousin, our uncle,our nephew, our friend u will be truely missed by the family, we will never be able to forget u nor will we be able to replace u. U have left a huggggeee gap in our lives.
I remember all the B-days and family celebrations so clearly. I wish we could go back to those days. We sit in the house talking and remembering all those times, somehow it helps. I will never forget Eritrea 2001 (trying to be my big bro)
I remember how much u loved life and everything it had to offer even if others didn't. Ur fetish for milk is something that will always amaze me:)
I understand u were too good for this godforsaken world we live in, i also know that u are beside the man who created us all and the man who loved u, throughout ur life (DAD)
I hope u knw that i will never forget the times we talked, joked, ate and all the times u hugged me when i was sad.
My eyes haven't dried from the tears i shed for u and i don't think they ever will.
You were so intelligent and destined for a better life than Stockwell.
I forgot to to tell u i loved u and i forgot that u were still a child, although ur actions showed something different. I wish i hugged u the last time i saw u.
I know u know i was proud of u and I'm glad i had that time to tell u that. Thanks for telling me what u told me too, it meant alot. Thanks for being there for me when i needed u the most, i just wish i could of given u the same in return, in ur time of need.
I hope all around u and the public will learn from this tragedy that has been brought to our family. U were an innocent boy that didn't deserve this. Ur not just another black boy caught up in th street life or the latest gun culture, i refuse for u to be precieved as a statistic, u were our little angel.
The cowards will have to live with this for the rest of their lives.
I never believed the saying ''The good die young'' untill now.
I know ur resting in peace my sweet boyxx
Ur big sis Betelxxxxxxx
I still can't believe this has happened. My baby brother, Robelina, no tears is enough...you'll always be remembered. One of the things I looked forward when thinking about coming back to London was laughing with you, and your sis and bro. You were always my favorite...and I can't forget the days we played as you my favorite...and your brother as my aunt's favorite.
Who would do such evil things on an innocent kid? Why? Why?
Robiye, God loves you so much that he wants you with him....but for us, it's a big loss. May God gives your mom sis and brother the strength to cope...will be in my prayers. I love you all.
back in school Robel went on a school trip to spain, which i myself went to.I didnt know him before hand because he was years below me, but on this holiday myself and others hung around together with robel and we all got on so well it made the holiday better. we played football, went swimming, windsurfing. i remember one time when we went to the beach and Robel came running back because he'd be stung on the back of his leg with a jellyfish!
i have to say from the short time i knew Robel he was a great guy. i still have a picture of the group that went to spain!
RIP ROBEL my thought are with your family
robel,i knew you from school,we went to spain with a group, me you my sis and aaron hung around together that whole week, i still remeber it like it was yesterday, i still got photos!! i picked up a copy of the south london press today only to read you had been murdered, undoubtedly such force should never have been used.i hope whoever done this goes down for life.
robel, although you are in heaven now at peace you will never be forgotton,everyone has their own memorys of you.
my prayers are with your family.
may you rest in peace.
Dear Robel
May you rest in peace. I can't believe that your life had been taken before it had even begun. I can never forget you, you were my brother's bestfriend. He is now soo lost without you. You were his cruch in life , his light. May your light shine eternally. This injustice has hurt me to the very core. And as I sit here writing this with tears in my eyes, I pray for you, your family and justice.
You will be truely missed!
Love K
Robel i knew u from stockwell and i jus couldnt believe da news i fought every1 was chattin shit or dat they got it twisted coz u were never on a hustle thing like so many wannabe's may allah bless ur family and those dat were closest to u and if i ever catch whoever did this slippin their gona have to put up a page on here for them believe that
robel u were like a big brother to me and in the morning wen i had heard u had passed away i couldnt beliveve it i did not want to.ur r in a better place now ill never forget u.R.I.P
Robel, wen i heard u had passed away it took me a day to believe wat i heard. u were like a little brother to me. u r in a better place now.good bye.Awet
Robel, you are suddenly gone, leaving a huge sadness to your family and friends, specially your mother who struggled to rise happy and healthy children in a "war" free country, but all that seems to be a bad dream. I hope the allmighty God will give Ilfa the kraft to carry on living without you.
Rest in peace,
i knew Robel from school, he was a nice guy and this is so tragic. my thoughts go out to his family and friend... stop the gun crime! R.I.P
I went to the Robel's funeral today. There were so many people there to show their respect. Robel was obviously a very kind and much loved person, who will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with his lovely family. R.I.P Robel
Robel and I went to primary school together and lived near each other. The last time I saw him, he had such a big smile on his face he was such a loving sweet guy you could ever meet. When I heard the sad news that he had been taken away from his family and friends I couldn't believe it. He wasn't the type of guy to get into trouble how could this happen to such a wonderful person.
Myself and my mum went to pay our respects to Robel and just cried soo much. I still can't believe this has happened, I just pray to god that he helps Robel's family to find peace and justice for Robel. He will never ever be forgotten. EVER.
May you rest in peace Robel
God Bless you and your family and friends M xxxxxx
* R.I.P Robel....you are gone to rest with the angels now, you are indeed gone from our world but not from our hearts, gone but never forgotten. I attended your funeral on Thurs, you would hav been so touched, amazed and so proud, so many people came 2 show their respect and love for you. I still cant believe that u were taken away so cruelly from all of those who loved you so much. You were such a great and funny guy in BTG and im sure u remained that way there after.You never had the chance to fulfill your dreams, your life was snatched away so suddenly. You are safe now, forever and we will meet again, along with all of those whose lives you touched and your loved ones, one sweet day in heaven. Sleep tight Rob. anne~marie xXx
I have just found out my brother has been arrested for this heinous crime. I am saddened by what I am hearing.
I do not know what it is like to loose someone so close to and can therefore not say I know what you are going through. My condolences go out to his family and I hope that his mother will be strong for her children; you never get over a loss like that.
My brother assures me it was not he and I believe him; justice will come to his family if not by the law then by Jah. God sees every move we make and every breath we take.
Remember the good die young.
We as black people need to put down this gun thing. We live in a country of great opportunity and free education. People from other countries would give there right arm to be in our position.
Selling drugs can not make you rich. You can not by a house or own a fancy car you can never sleep comfortable at night.
justice has been done he's got a min of 19yrs
Hey Robel,
Heaven gained a new angel this weekend which happened to be your brother. This thing we call life is a madness and I'm finding it hard to understand. My heart goes out to your mum, sister and beautiful niece. Hope you both watch over them! Rest in peace boys xxx
Miss you rob and abs, miss having all the boys together. Gone but never forgotten.
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