When: Thursday, 4/10/2007
Where: Tranby Gardens, Wollaton, Nottingham
How: BBC News
Perp: Matthew James Barker, 34 (charged); Carl Richard Fowler, 36 (charged)
Status: Charges
Nottinghamshire Police
BBC News
Evening Standard
BBC News
BBC News
BBC News
Blackpool Gazette
BBC News
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Good riddnace to bad rubbish
shame on you you malicious scum.
maybe if this happened to your family you would be more understanding. he was a DAD he had a FAMILY, nobod deserved it. you make me sik
such a good man... such a waste. my heart goes out to his family
how can ppl say things like this! it is awful he was a human bein and didnt deserve this.ppl like u sayin good riddnace make me sick!
A father? A Human being? Only by species. I wonder how many kid's and parent's lives this low-life trash ruined along his road to fortune. No better than Hindley or Brady in my book.
Indeed, good riddance. A few lives have probably been saved.
Scummm Of The Earthh
asset to us all good man by narture
R.I.P Dad
Hindley or Brady? Dont make me Laught you idiot! Do you know who they are? Do you know what they did?
Wait til you get choppped up you dipshit then you'll know what real crime is.
And if you've got something to say use your name you coward!
Go and get an education. Or a life. the choice is yours!
You don't know what your talking about! People like you don't deserve to speak.
Sitting here abusing a dead man.. maybe if you had a life like Shokat, you wouldn't find yourself sitting there spreading your malice.
Rot in hell scum.
Go and get an education. Or a life. the choice is yours!
You don't know what your talking about! People like you don't deserve to speak.
Sitting here abusing a dead man.. maybe if you had a life like Shokat, you wouldn't find yourself sitting there spreading your malice.
Rot in hell scum.
Go and get an education. Or a life. the choice is yours!
You don't know what your talking about! People like you don't deserve to speak.
Sitting here abusing a dead man.. maybe if you had a life like Shokat, you wouldn't find yourself sitting there spreading your malice.
Rot in hell scum.
I wouldn't have bought a second-hand car from this man.
One of the greatest self-deceivers and sociopaths I ever had the displeasure of meeting.
What's the point of leaving a comment like that?
"I wouldn't have bought a second-hand car from this man.
One of the greatest self-deceivers and sociopaths I ever had the displeasure of meeting."
Leaving malicius comments like yours for his children to read is sick, shokat was capable of many things but wouldn't once have gone out of his way to hurt or upset a child!
I agree with Shereen, if your going to leave a hurtful or offensive comment leave your name.
Drug dealing ,fraud and violence against the person have many victims, the most tragic of which are children.
But why do you feel the need to leave a comment!?
It's none of your business, i seriously suggest you get a life.
I can vouch he was a better parent you could ever be!
I would be ashamed to be related to a malicious bit of trash like you tbf.. "anonymous"
Fowler, who was allegedly in debt to Chenia for the value of the drugs, was threatened with a gun and pistol-whipped on Chenia's orders.
So it goes.
You know what, This Guy was an Idiot. Selling Drugs to Children to feed his Children. Shereen, stop being gobby and listen to what these people are saying. As much as I wouldnt want to hear it about my Father, its tough, truth is he sold Drugs and waved guns around and you are telling me that acceptable??? If so then its obvious you lot will follow in his footsteps (Quote - wait till you get chopped up...") So so Brave, does that make you feel better.
End of the day, Your Dad was scum just like the rest of the drug pushing dicks. lazy bastards need to get a real life and work and earn their living. Good on you fowler, just a shame you went down that way.
Lazy? do you have any idea how hard drug dealers work? not to mention the unsociable hours? if only they could have a union!
"Selling drugs to the kids?" get real, kids can't afford coke or heroin. "selling drugs to the kids" is exactly the sort of thing provincial simpletons (like you) come out with when they're jumping on the bandwagon- much like "burn the paedo's" or "kick the immigrants out" absolute dross!
Most drug dealers I've met have actually been very friendly!
Good riddance to bad rubbish? so much for human compassion! The guy had eight children, give any thought to them? they never chose any of this.
Fowler is the bad guy here, a drifter with no responsibilites or commitments, legal or otherwise. I'll be there when he goes down on thursday.
haha I agree with shereen.
get a life you pathetic sad people.
Fowler is a very good friend off mine and he has always been there for me when and he is a good person and did what he had to do. Your telling me if someone threatened your family or people you love you would not do the same cause I know I would and I bet if I asked all his mates they would to.
Has for getting pistol wipped didnt he have the bolloxs to do it himself no he had to get his joeys to do it for him.
I feel sorry for his eight kids cause they have no dad now to watch them grow up but do you think he did for a living was right getting people to sell drugs cause juts think the money he was giving to his kids come from the drugs he selled to kids.
You Know What Im Gonna Be Congratulating The Person Who Takes Out Carl Folwer Once And For All,You Carnt Mess In This Business Without Consequences.
He Wont Be Around Much Longer Mark My Words.
That Scrawny Little Rat Wont Last 5 Minutes Behind Bars,My Dad Knew Everyone In Prison And When This Low Life Murderer Goes Into Prison He's Gonna Wish He Were Dead,HopeFully He Puts A End To His Pathetic Litle Life Himself.
Andd You You Pathetic Little LowLife,He Havn't Got A Life So You Sit On Your Fat Arse Thinking Lets Go Search On The Internet And Write Comments About Dead Men And You Dont Even Have The Guts To Leave Your Name,You Say Carl Got Pistol WHipped And "So Its Goes" If Carl Gets Out Of Prison Alive He Probably Wont Live A Year "So It Goes"
Hold on a minute how come its all going on Carl Fowler what about this Matthew Baker he also helped him kill this perosn he should get a what coming to. Even tho he only picked him up from Nottingham he still helped out with the crime they both committed and I think he should have got a life sentence to they are both scum and both deserve to die for they did to that poor bloke cause now his eight children have no dad now.
Do you think I am stupid to leave my name so you can look me up and find out where I live and then come and do something to me not a chance.
Listen obvisously you do not know Fowler that well he will last in jail trust me he has been doing jail for a very long time and if someone was going to do him over dont you think it would have happened by now listen Carl will put up a good fight and he wont be took for a cunt i should know cause we are goods friends and we have always been there for one another.
People going to do him over I think it is patheric why dont you all grow the fuck up and start getting on with your lifes and stop living in the past.
carl fowler is scum, stop defending him you idiot.
i even knew him, i used to see him with my dad, my dad used to call him al the time, my dad trusted him. he knew my dad had 8 children he even seen most of us a few times. he even seen my dad with my 3 year old brother but that didnt stop him putting a knife through him 16 times. he doesnt deserve to live. he knew hed leave us wihtout our dad, he knew we were reli close to my dad, but all he cared about was himself, hes so selfish. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!
OK so you are telling if one off your close friends committed a murder you wouldnt stand by them??
Sorry but we gave got different opinions Carl was there for me when when my partner killed himself and I was there for him when his best mate killed himself. I have also stood by him eveytime he went in prison cause he didnt have noone else.
I think it is pathetic why dont you all just start getting on with your lives at the end off the day Carl has been punished now for what he has done and also his Family and children are being punished for his crime. Drugs make you do stupid things and I should know cause I have been on the receiving end when Carl was so out off his face.
why are u calling US pathetic?
were just defending our dad, you havnt lost nethink, weve lost our dad and yur telling us to move on with our life. what our you talking about, whjy dont you? yur sad u actually take the time out of yur life to defend that lowlife scum, yur obv a scummy coke whorre too for socialising with him. dirty waste.
What so that makes you better than Carl then??? I have never ever touched drugs in my life so watch what you are saying.
What so are you going to follow in your dads foot steps?? Would your dad want you to carry on like this?? Cause I know if I was in the same situation has yourselve my dad would want me to get on with my life and and not dwelle on the past. But I guess people have different opinions on life and how to deal with their grief.
Sorry if we feel differently but Carl has always been there for me and has looked after me and nothing will change my mind at the end off the day about him.
hmm whatever, dont dwell on the past, youve blatantly NEVER been in this position so you would never understand. maybe if carl murdered your dad you would fell differebntly about him?
and yes i am better than carl because i dont go around murdring people who are dads and have eight children and the rest of their lives to live. thats just sick.
also by the way carl never go pistol whipped he made that up.
"Has for getting pistol wipped didnt he have the bolloxs to do it himself no he had to get his joeys to do it for him."
yeh u really know carl dont you.
Yes, I know i am better than Carl Fowler, and Shokat Chenia was twice the man Carl Fowler will ever be - What you people don't understand, is that your main portal of information is through the MEDIA - not the police, this whole case has been tainted so many times by lies and exaggerations of the truth it just isn't feasible anymore.
It's funny, Shokat was blasted so vociferously for being a drugs dealer, a fraudster, a criminal but the bit about his convictions being quashed was inadvertedly missed off the list.
Maybe some of you need to go out there and get your facts straight before you start making your judgements.. because your just churning out the same journalistic bullshit made to sell papers.
What they were both drug dealers so they are both has bad as each other and if Shokat didnt like Carl why get him involved anyway and make him his right hand man for the deals.
I didnt get my information from the media I got it from the horses mouth when he came to see when he got release on bail for the crime. Listen the nottingham police were interview people who didnt even know Carl Fowler so if it werent for that prick off a Matthew Baker grassig Carl up he properly wouldnt have got a longer sentence than that.
Carl Fowler deserves every second he gets inside, and i hope he remembers that i'm gonna be out here enjoying my life for the next twenty years or so. The enormity of what has done - taking a life - should hit him after a few years, and hopefully he should commit after about ten. If he doesn't get merked first.
Hard Luck Carl!
Carl Fowler..SCUM. left 8 kids wivout a dad. Shokat didnt deserve this he was a gd man!
U all make me sick abusing a dead man!
did any of you even know shokat chenia?
yeh i knew shokat really well, he looked after me when i was in prison, anything i needed he would get for me, he was a good man and always done his best for me and anyone else that needed his help. ive heard alot people say he's a bad person so what does that make you good?
so wts yur name?
who wants to know?
Im Nadim Shokats Son Shenaaz Was The One That Said "Who Are You Anyway", But Im Replying, Yh So Were Shokat's Family. He Helped Alot Of People Out In Prison Which One Are You?
i was in hmp leicester and hmp stocken with him
oh im guessing yur asian?
yes i am
and am guessing yur muslim..my dad always loookd aftr the young muslims in prison:)
I've only just found out Shokat is no longer with us. I knew Shokat well and I'd like to say that I'm sorry to his family for your loss. I also know Carl Fowler well. I got out of that life over 10 years ago. From what I gatherd Carl owed him money. All I can think of is that Carl felt that it's him or me. It's a sad sad situation on both sides.
Rest In Peace, I love You
i'm so glad shokat got killed,,,,i just pray to god that he felt every single stab wound that went through him....especially the one that went through his jaw...he ruined so many peoples lives...he was a grass in prison...
What kind of a sick bastard would write that? I hope you rot in hell.
I knw wt a prick..dnt write on this page u unwanted scum:)
Unimaginable evil and a complete lack of personal achievement are the only things that could render a person possible of emitting such unnecessary and brutal cruelty. As Chenia usefully reminded us "What goes around comes around" R.I.P
rutty you rat is that you, i can remeber you saying shokat was a grass. just cause you got sacked from your petty prison job. is that how much that job meant to you pussy.
My dad wasnt a grass! He wasnt tht sad .. wt kinda saddo searches up a deadman on google just to leave a diss under "Anonymous", get a life.
& Thanks to al the decent people that come on here and defend my dad, we appreictae it.
look i feel for the family members who are innocent and you guys must of seen a wonderful side to him....but you didnt see the other side of him...he bullied me and took money from me and my family.....the day i found out he was dead was one of the most happiest in my life...if i meet that bastard in hell i'll do him myself...good ridence to bad shit..knowing the pain he felt when he got killed makes my life that little bit better!!!!!
To the Man brave enough to appear as "Anonymous"
How dare you come on here and spread your evil on a site where his family and friends come to express their condolences? You are not welcome here you scum.
You come here and disgrace his name for his mourning family to read? He is dead.
How can you demean him for "bullying" you, when what your doing is far more evil?
I actually pity you - your life is obviously so empty and pathetic that Shokat is still occupying your thoughts over two years after his death. This is clear through the knowledge of his death proving "the happiest day of your life" - It enrages me that life is wasted in nothingness like you when Shokat is no longer with us.
I hope it hurts that nobody will be vociferously defending your name, when you die.
And rest assured, the auspicious day when you meet your death, you will find yourself in hell, but you won't be lucky enough to meet Shokat.
blah blah blah....You really are living in cloud cukoo land...you know shokat was adrug dealing fool...yet you carry on like he was some sort of angel who helped all of mankind...get this through your skull..he sold drugs to kids, fathers, mothers anybody that would take them...he ruined their lives, their childrens lives, the people who were robbed so they could have drugs he ruined their lives....and so and so on.....shokat is the devils son and like i said before no matter how i die....knowing that, that cunt died in such a brutal manner makes me feel that little bit better...
Don't talk about him like you know him. I hope you go through what we have.
how the fuck can ppl leave sick comments for his kids to read?? i hope all u haters get wot u deserve n rot in hell
Thats bullshit that he was a grass in prison, he was actually running the place! Get your facts right before your fake comments are put up - n nah he didnt sell drugs to parents and children, it was sold to other supplier who did the rest so get your facts right... PUSSIO!
At the end of the day if he didnt do what he did some else would have.
yeah he did lots of wrong stuff but he had so much love for his family and friends, people he had problems with where people that betrayed him or tried to do him over. he looked after people in prison, i know couple of my friends were inside with him n he had it nice with everone.
At the end of the day He was the best Dad anyone would have wished for so don't taint our memory of him.
Wow Im Sitting Here Laughing, The People That Are Saying Bad Shit About My Dad, Your All A Bunch Of Retards, So There Are Comments Saying He "SOLD DRUGS TO DESPERATE MUMS ETC" Ha You Fkin Idiots my Dad would neva have to that he was the supplier. he sold to the fukin little dealers u fukin idiots, and know that doesnt make it allright i know but if he didnt someone else would of, and i know my dad was not perfect as he sold drugs but who is perfect fukin tell me u idiots. He was the best dad i cud i cud of wished for for me, and my family, now he's gone forever all because of carl, but mark my fukin words he aint gon die of old age, i bet he's bin beeten up in prison loads i just wish i cud find out,,
And he sold drugs to suppliers but his good side outweighed his bad, he wasnt a violent man, and i know sure as hell he wouldnt threaten anyones family, o nd for u hu are gettin mouthy about him now he's passed, i dont give a shit what u say about my dad say wat u like , i really dont care
JUST Get a life," oh i have not got a life lets search "SHOKAT CHENIA" up on google oo look somebody got murdred .com lets go on it and write bad stuff about him because iv envy'd him my whole life, luks like his family read these comments even better" u no life sik deluded freaks get a life, or ill take urs away
NONE of you would have said this whilst Shokat was alive.
Your Pathetic.
I hope you meet the same end. And that is something I reserve for the sickest scum on earth.
You sad people leaving comments like that for his kids too read, is it their fault and now they have to be punished for it? shokats passed away and why dont you show some respect to his family for what have they done to deserve this? You think you the better person? prove it..
Well Ppl Its Me Who never left any comments on here before, but I knew Shokat for few weeks, Shokat had guts to do thing which none of you fucker had, and about this white barsted they follow their own rules "rule and divide" if carl or matthew had guts they would have meet him in leicester or colville not in notthingham and done ONE ON ONE. you carl lesbian bitch shut the fk up. didnt you feel shame while you coming least with carl to pick drugs up form shokat in white ford escort. he never gave drugs to prson who takes it but gave to one who sells it.. leave the kids alone or if not then leave your name and ill come and see you near greenhill road area in coalville.
Thanks for defending my dad
U Say u knew him for weeks was were these weeks the ones that led him to his death
I met him in ramadan which he passed away.. only knew him or 3 or 4weeks.. i do know your uncle muhammed and hs famly very well tho..
OOO Did you meet him in highfields
Rest in peace, never forgotton. xxx
wellwisher who are you ? im his son im curious
i am glad he died i wish i could of done it myself. he was a scumbag who didnt care about anyone or anything but himself, and i hope he is rotting in hell
No he wasnt. A few of you have said this, what did he do to you to qualify a "scumbag"? He was a good family man, who helped others, especially in prison.
half these comments should be deleted off this page how can people be so sick n leave these kinda comments for his kids to read.. hope u all get wot u deserve
freedom of speech, we can say what we like... and i for one am glad that he died a painful death. hope it was slow
Nobody cares u nobody!! Get a life stop comenting on here u waste
the guy who commented on the 14th june i hope u die slow motherfucker
Sick people need to shut up leave the guy alone. RIP
rip.he was a good freind.havent had contact with him 4 a couple ov years, this explains y.... S..middlesbrough.
Hi Saj. I'm Shokats daughter, did you know my dad well?
what i want to know how the fuck did carl manage to stab shokat so much times? shokat was strong, healthy and fast. carl was weak, unhealthy and slow. i dont think carl could of pulled it of by him self.. what i personally think is matthew held him down while carl stabbed shokat. it made me think how the fuck did that crack head manage to do it him self. shokat would of smashed his head in if it was 1 on 1..
rip.. your always in our duas
i agree i think someone else was involved, where u a friend of my dads, and do you know us?
yeh i was 1 of his mates, i knew him a couple of years... he made 1 of his daughters phone me when he went to court from immigration center.
You people got so much to say - why dont you show your name and where your from, and say it to our face then we'll see how much you have got to say.
Just like you said freedom of speech, giving all the hard man talk, pay a visit to evington and speak freely as much as you want.
Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji’oon…
To Allaah we belong and to him we return.
May Allah forgive him, raise his ranks, exalt his status, and grant him Jannah!
May Allah make his grave a vast place, enlighten it, and make it one of the gardens of Paradise!
May Allah bless you and your family with patience and iman during this difficult time!
Ameen ya Rabb al-Alameen…
Stay strong shokats family.. ignore all the haters.. hope ur all well
sorry didnt get back 2 u earlier.im replyin 2 shokats daughters comment wether i knew him well.i did know him fairly well.this site not 2 good with bullshit comments coming on but pls email me & ill give u number. dont want 2 put number on this site.... saj middlesbrough.. chakoosaj@live.co.uk
Thankd for all your comments.
Saj, Iv emailed you.
And Annonymous, it was prob me that called you, I cant really remember tho,3 years ago
R.I.P hope his fam r stayin strong together.. Ur fathers in a betta place waitin for u lot in heaven, lookin over u lot.. Stay strong n jus ignore the haters.. Lowlife bastards goin out there way to come on this site to leav hate comments.. Hope u get wot u deserve anonymous internet thugs
Miss you Dad xxx
RIP shokat , you were a good friend to me in pen, will never forget that.
Would also like the family to know i am very sorry for what happened, Trust me, he didnt deserve that shit. He was a good man and strong indavidual, I was in stocken and he looked after me, i also looked after him when i finaly got out of that place, we would always mess about on the football game and he'd always told me he would bust me up before the game (haha), It was shokat who recomended his prison scolisitors to me,me n him would always go out side in the yard together when it was assosiation and he told me i was an idiot when i tried some othere guys sleepin tablets cuz i couldnt sleep.he was the one who stoped me and this other asain guy from having a major fight cuz he said it made us looked bad in front of the white boys.he was a top guy. he was the last person i seen when i left my wing,he was mopping the floor of our wing cuz that was his day job inside at the time. he gave me a big hug and told me to ring him when he got out, its a shame i didnt get a chance to. Im not muslim , im a gujarati hindu and it just goes to show that he had luv for all of us young asains, not just muslims. rip.
Hi Manny :) Thanks for your comment your words mean a lot. I remember when he used to say "bust you up" all the time! xxx
OK? Or Milton Keynes? xxx
I just hope none of his children go in the same direction as him. I remember being in Primary School and his son picked up a chair and threw it across the room. I really hope none of his children turn/ have turned to a life of crime since the horrific incident. I was in school High School with 4 of his children and I know they had a heart of gold, I just hope nothing has changed. His children look so much like him.
Rest in peace to him. Condolences to his wife and children.
Hello i am his son.. it was me who through the chair LOL. no none of us are criminals haha.. were all a uni and college.. who are you ?
years have passed now and i still think of Shokat fondly, especially the day he was killed...had a great party that day!!whoop whoop!!
Thats nice to know anonymous, atleast hes in heaven now, unlike you who will be burning in hell
Heven, you must be joking he's in hell sitting next to the Devil himself, the no good bastard deserved everything he got that night,happy dayz!!! :)
This anonymous guy is a proper coward, he obvioulsy feared my dad whilst he was alive. It makes me laugh to think that you probably cowered in a crack house with Carl, trying to evade my dad.
People like you are pussy's, no decent bones in your body. Your the sort of person to kick someone whilst their down. Does it make you feel good to finally be able to bad mouth my dad without consequences?! Cuz you know if he was alive he would bust you up, well theres no need! Im more than happy to shoot you in the face ... just leave your name and address ... and if you think it will land me in hell, i'll see you when you get there and do it all again. It would be worth it to wipe the grin of your scummy face!
And by the way, this is my first comment, im one of shokats older sons, try arguing with me you prick! i'll cut you up for jokez. Does it make you feel good to argue with girls, try that shit with me, I BEG YOU!
Happpy Birthday xx
Reading some of these comments disgust me.
RIP. My heart goes out to the family. You're all in my duas
kiss my arse shokats son...little wannabe
Hahahahaha... shut the fuck up you anonymous cunt. Starting on a dead mans son, now i'm really gonna pay attention to what you say :) ! P.s die slowww.
I lived at the Golf Club with Shokat and my name is 'Graham' please confirm with 'MO' if you wish. I'd just like to say that Shokat was a good man and loved his family very much. I remember when he'd just come back from Disneyland Paris with his family he was so happy. RIP friend
I was shokat and sidots co accused in 1998 and wot a top guy he was he looked after me as I was from Manchester my thoughts are wiv his family xx
I was shokat and sidots co accused in 1998 and wot a top guy he was he looked after me as I was from Manchester my thoughts are wiv his family xx
If anyone knows if Carl gets moved up the north west jails please leave a message on here and he will be sorted once and for all
If anyone knows if Carl gets moved up the north west jails please leave a message on here and he will be sorted once and for all
I new Shokat from jail, he was a decent man who didn't deserve to die the way he did. Good riddance to the rubbish who murdered him. Everyday for the rest of his life will be hell. GOOD!!
Shokat was a very good generous person maybe to a fault. That's why even now people good or bad remember him.
Rob Ellis.
Thank you for your kind words Rob :)
Can't fucking believe this guy has died!!
He was my Boy in stocken on servery 2getha for time.
See you wannabe gangsters giving the big one behind anonymous leave ya name n il deal with it for the man!! Cos if I needed ANYTHING shokat would give it.
He left his num for me when i got out but never got chance to meet on out I fled to Dubai and only jus got bk last week googled him for a number and got this!!!
If any of family need anything hit me bk and il get in touch
Peace be with u bro.. "I'm gonna bust ya" ha ha Joe Kannada mancs!!
i dont remember shokat being on servery
Happy Birthday Dad :)
Happy Birthday Dad xxx
Happy 50th Dad xxxxx
Happy Fathers Day Dad :-) xxx
To shokats family,
I never knew your dad but I pray to Almighty Allah to forgive his sins and grant him paradise.
It sounds like he did a sterling job with looking after people despite any of his flaws.
God judges people. So someone coming on here and disgracing a dead man is a low life thing to do.
Every Muslim that reads this post... Please say a prayer for brother shokat.
Thinking of you always Shokat. You was one of a kind. Heart of Gold. May Allah grant you jannah (heaven). I've met hundreds of people from all parts of the world, different walks of life & every single person said very good things about Shokat. Shokat put a lot of people on the path to success, financially. May Allah give success to his children in this life and the hear after.
Shokat was one of the funniest person I known. You will never ever meet anyone like him. He was original. Loved his children & family.
Done a 18.. In prisons up & down the country, from Tripple A Cat - D Cat, man still remember Shokat, to this day. Chenia helped everyone he met, inside and on the out. Praying for Shokat. 99.9% of people I met inside say Shokat was a top guy. Proper funny guy. Wind up merchant. Still makes me laugh and smile when I think of times spent with him. Nuff Love for the guy. Love and prayers to his children and family
We was in whitemoor. Chenia was a very strong minded person. Helped me a lot. Never forgotten. Still can't express how funny he was.
Allah grant him heaven. Allah give shokats children the right guidance and blessings.
Some of the comments on this page are disgusting. I've just published these few comments. My thoughts are with his children & family. Shokats in my dua (prayers) always. God willing we'll meet in heaven. Never forgotten. Hope his children & family keep strong. John.H sends his love and prayers Shokat. Your always remembered friend!
I could write comments after comments about Shokat and the goodness of him. Chenia was a leader. Was Forever helping people.
Hope I could have met Shokat again.. Love and prayers to his children & the Chenia family. Shokat you will be In my thoughts and prayers till I die. Never forgotten friend. The best thing is I smile and laugh when I think of you friend and the times spent days inside.. To his children, your dad was one hell of a guy. Always joked around. RIP Brother!
Thank you for your comments, its very good to hear.
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I'll never let you go
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Its 2015, and reading some of these comments tore my heart apart <3
Love you and miss you every day.
whenever I feel down, I just come to this page, and it cheers me up knowing that scum is dead and died in such a brutal way, ill never forget how you harassed me and my family, but what goes around comes around, Allah took care of you for sure..showed you no mercy not that you deserved any
In my thoughts each and every day until the end of time dad x
Happy fathers day Dad. We love you so much.
Father to be proud off. RIP
RIP Uncle Chenia
From the few times a year we would met him in the year along with Uncle Mo, he was a gentleman. he loved his family and friends, and would look out for them. He had huge respect for us and my parents when we would see him. I remember the times at the Golf Course, and the BBQs as his dads places on EPR. May the Almighty grant him and his dad jannat and forgive them for all their sins.
As for the kids, they don't know me personally but from what I have seen of them your father would be very proud of you, I know you all have done well and just remember hes looking down on you smiling.
keep him in your prayers.
Just talking about Shokat today and googled his name. Surprised to find so much crap about him!Everyone including his children knew he wasn't perfect but who is ??
I saw him with his 8 children and he was great.They had the same bust ups as any normal family.As they grew up he kept everything separate and didn't want them involved in anything. The kids are a credit to him.All well educated and earning a "clean" living.
All in all Shokat was always polite and respectful to me and I took him as I saw him.For those who haven't a nice word to say about him,JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.The kids have been through enough.They've had to cope with the CID at there home informing them that they found a body in Shokats burnt out car to been identified then all the horrible shit afterwards. Just let the kids have peace now,they've done nothing to you HATERS except speak up for their father.
One of a kind. Still think of you often.
I may not have known Shokat or his life, but I get a picture from these comments and the news reports I have seen.
I went to school with many of his children. I saw the devastation caused and the many ways it affected each of his children separately. I was in the same year and class as one of his son's N thoughout a lot of our schooling although I know he doesn't remember me. I see him and his siblings around the area occasionally and I have to say, Shokat bought some amazing individuals into this world. I'm so proud of what I see in these people. He would be proud. Especially of N. He's done a 180, and is an amazingly well turned out young man now.
Everything and more I could have ever hoped for in a dad. No matter how much time passes, you will always mean the world to me.
Those we Love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. RIP
When someone you love passes, be inspired by their passing and their legacy. Instead of drowning in your sorrows, be inspired to live a happy and peaceful like they did when they were still around.
Live each day with purpose, with action, with positivity, and with encouragement. Your father will be very proud of you and smile down on you from heaven.
When they go, they leave a heartache that no one can ever make better. But their love for you leaves so many memories that no one else can take away.
I can't let go
Rabbir Hum Huma Kama Rabba Yaani Sagheera
رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا
"My Lord, have mercy upon them [my parents] as they brought me up [when I was] small." Al-Quran (17:24)
He was a good family man et very helpful and generous. RIP.
I knew his brother Mo better and they are both gentlemen regardless of their activities.
Miss you everyday
I need you more than ever, but you are never coming back
Love you to the end.
I knew Shokat many years ago. I was a young, naive business woman. I was a fashion designer and ran my own business. Very innocent and completely legitimate. I couldn't get a loan and I needed money desperately. I was turned away by all the financial corp. and banks as I had no collateral. I was introduced to Shokat who brokered a loan with a finance company. I did not need to give collateral as Shokat gave his word to the financier. He didnt even know me, but sensed I was genuine. That loan saved my business. After that he put some of his own money into my small company and even though I didn't make the big bucks, he never harrassed me for accounts or profits.He was always so professional and trusted me- and always looked so smart. I was absolutely shocked when he was arrested for drugs related offences. It just didnt make sense, but I was really upset when I heard he had been killed in such a callous manner. People are complex and not two dimensional and Shokat proved he was not this cold monster. Not to me...he definitely did not deserve to die.
Gone but never forgotten �� I will never forget him. Only knew him for a few weeks or so but what I seen was a lovely man. He lived for his children. I also had met Carl and from day 1 he came across as a wrong en just something about him the crack/smack edd! Karma will catch up with him one day because I don't think that sentence was enough and he will forever burn in hell. To shokats family just ignore the haters they just looking for a reaction. Clearly they never knew him. R.I.P
I think I know this guy he ripped my cousin off with his dodgy cars
@Anonymous - he did not sell cars. Please refrain from leaving false comments.
This guy was a fraud and dodgy geezer
I’m a Indian Hindu this guy ripped my brother off for 30k this guy deserved everything I know all his cousins they all idiots Carl Fowler good man
This man is a cunt don’t trust him with a tenner his brother mo is a cunt also they all fraud these Indians type of people from Africa are like this they thief’s and rip people off
Hahahahaha gone lol I hope he rots in hell
Allah showed you shokat and ur family u all drug peddlers shame on u
Really ask yourself why 14 years after his family has been bereaved, do you feel the need to come and spew your vitriol. In a place where his children come for his memory. Does that make you feel better? Does that make you a better person? I suggest you seek help.
Still in my mind and heart every day ❤
I do feel much better the guy was a low life scum he got what he deserved the smelly Indian he used to rat on other people
This guy was the worst Person Iv met car Fowler did him a favour if he didn’t do it somebody else would have done it
Hello is this guy related to some guy called mohammed Chenia from Gloucester
Hello is this guy related to some guy called mohammed Chenia from Gloucester
This guy is the most horrible person u can meet I hope all his family suffer the same the guy robbed my grandma he should be ashamed of him self this is what happens shokat karma and it got u bad look at u now hahaha ur kids are alll disgrace ur dawters getting fucked by half cast kids lol u ppl deserve this drug peddlers scum of the earth look at ur kids they all tramps now not spending dads drugs Money
I was with Carl Fowler last week he seems Like a good fella
Sounds like you're in prison then you absolute bellend ��. Seriously, fuck off and get a life now I'm getting worried about you.
Listen u cock roach he’s been out for ages all I said I was in a pub with him a month ago he seems like a nice guy that’s all
And why r u worried about me
Love you always dad. Wish you were here with us.
Evil scum shokat stealing peoples money
This madar chowda shokat was a harami he stole mosque money and bought his kids gifts pure evil harami I remember that very well all his cousins are crooks they be nice but are crooks and evil inside
Shokat was a drug peddler woman beater so the world knows
Shokat was a gem. I have fond memories of him from back in the days when I was much younger. Always tried helping others where possible. Yes he wasn’t perfect but who is? We all have flaws. Some of our flaws are hidden while some peoples are apparent. May Allah have mercy on his soul and give his kids and family immense patience and strength. May their good deeds be sadaqah jariya for him. For all those reading this in 2022 if you want to help him you can still build some hand pumps etc on his behalf so he gets the reward for it. Insha’Allah will be building one for him soon so he gets all the reward from it everyone it’s used.
As for the anonymous haters who are still leaving comments for his children & loved ones to read, your actions speak volumes about your character. (Please ignore them)
Gone but never forgotten. :) 🤲🏻
M ⭐️
Anonymous haters, this guy was a dik Ed, water pumps what with drugs money lol what a joke pathetic Man U r, what about the lives he destroyed, the used to rob grannnys, he even robbed mosk charities I still hear about his kids ripping people offf he was a belland and a con Man end off I hope and pray that his kids suffer till my last breath he was a madar chowda
To the faggot above that keeps leaving comments because he's clearly so obsessed and jelous of Shokat even 15 years after his death. Why don't you leave your name and address you anonymous pussy too scared to comment under your real name what a fucking pussy waste of breath loser hahahahah!!!!
Shokat has multiple haters he’s a smelly Indian scum man’s used to steal money from mosk come manchester moss side ask for gooch mans or come lesta Cp crew and that get me
He thought he was big man and little Carl showed him man them get me
I used to go to the gym with shaukat as I was in rye hill with him on the same wing the bastard who killed him I hope karma gets you repetitively. Your a dirty no good cunt 2002 2003 what so you couldn't take a beating for your actions. Your pathetic I done over 2 decades in jail. See you on the out if you make it that is
Rip my friend I remember talking to you in Gujarati as we sat to eat breakfast outside of your cell you used to ask me to listen to that CD of the pigs bugging the golf course. ભાઈ I heard of this in 2009 or 2010 when I was in HMP Ford it's only now that I write. Hope Mohamed your brother is doing well. What a waste of life my brother
I actually knew Shokat a long while ago, and yes although he was involved in illegal acitivity, he was a lifesaver to me. I ran a legitimate business and he gave me a loan when everyone had rejected me. He wasn't a loan shark and didn't charge me high interest rates- didn't know me well either, but just wanted to help. Shokat had many sides to him and I was genuinely upset to hear of his death.
Shokat you bastard hahaaha
Is shereen still in Italy ahahahah
Shokat bastard stole everyone's money and didn't give it back
Hahaha look at this rat weasel that keeps coming back leaving comments 🤣🤣🤣 my dad clearly used to bully you around you pathetic little rat, and you did fuck all about it while he was here, cowered like a little rat, now he’s gone you come to leave comments 🤣🤣🤣 you better pray i dont find out who you are or ill be coming to carry on the legacy of bullying you, you little rat, you can barely spell you smelly little immigrant, what makes me smile is knowing how shit your life really must be, to keep coming back here leaving comments 🤣🤣
Shokat is a bastard just accept it
I want to ask Shokats family did you try hard to make Shokat rehabilitate or you couldn't care less
Why couldn't you at the time try helping shokat to ensure he gets out this operation as you knew what would happen
Obviously didn't give a monkeys
To right ! To many fall into drugs by the pushers! They die! You lot thinks that’s ok? Fowler took 1 fucker off the street !!!
Still alive ! Ain’t I 😂
I no Carl! These lazy cunts think they have balls ! Let’s see! Post your names nots crew ??
Seriously was sold out?
Have you seen top boy? Always ends in tragedy!
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